Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .base import AwsBase

[docs]class Route53Service(AwsBase): ''' Class belonging to the Route 53 DNS Service '''
[docs] def get_domains(self): ''' Get hosted zones and its records Returns: (lst): List of Hosted Zones with Records ''' domains = [] for hz in self.list_hosted_zones(): hz['Records'] = self.list_records(hz['Id']) domains.append(hz) return domains
[docs] def list_hosted_zones(self): ''' List all hosted zones Returns: List of hosted zones ''' return self.inject_client_vars(self.client.list_hosted_zones()['HostedZones'])
[docs] def list_records(self, hosted_zone_id): ''' List all records for a hosted zone Args: hosted zone (str): The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to list Returns: List of DNS records ''' records = [] config = self.get_client_vars() paginator = self.client.get_paginator('list_resource_record_sets') for response in paginator.paginate(HostedZoneId=hosted_zone_id): for x in response['ResourceRecordSets']: records.append(x) return self.inject_client_vars(records, config)
[docs] def list_records_by_domain(self, domain): ''' List all records of a hosted-zone domain Args: domain (str): The DOMAIN name of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to list Returns: List of DNS records ''' hosted_zone = filter(lambda x: domain + "." == x['Name'], self.list_hosted_zones()) if hosted_zone: return self.list_records(hosted_zone[0]['Id']) return None
[docs] def __init__(self): AwsBase.__init__(self, 'route53') self.change_region('us-east-1')