Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import boto3
from awspice.helpers import ThreadPool
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

[docs]class AwsBase(object): ''' Base class from which all services inherit (ec2, s3, vpc ...) This class contains methods and properties that are common to all AWS services and should be accessible by all of them. This class is responsible for instantiating the client and processing information related to the accounts and regions. Attributes: client: Boto3 client region: Current region used by the client profile: Current profile used by the client access_key: Current access key used by the client secret_key: Current secret key used by the client ''' endpoints = None region = None profile = None access_key = None secret_key = None # THREADS NUMBER pool = ThreadPool(30) service_resources = ['ec2', 's3']
[docs] def set_client(self, service): ''' Main method to set Boto3 client Args: service (str): Service to use (i.e.: ec2, s3, vpc...) region (str): Region name to use (i.e.: eu-central-1) profile (str): Profile name set in ~/.aws/credentials file access_key (str): API access key of your AWS account secret_key (str): API secret key of your AWS account Raises: ClientError: Access keys are not valid or lack of permissions for a service/region ProfileNotFound: Profile name not found in credentials file Returns: None ''' _region = str(AwsBase.region) _profile = str(AwsBase.profile) if AwsBase.profile else None _access_key = str(AwsBase.access_key) if AwsBase.access_key else None _secret_key = str(AwsBase.secret_key) if AwsBase.secret_key else None # 1. Validate args for authentication self.set_auth_config(region=_region, profile=_profile, access_key=_access_key, secret_key=_secret_key) # 2. Set Boto3 client if _profile: self.client = boto3.Session(profile_name=_profile).client(service, region_name=_region) if service in self.service_resources: self.resource = boto3.Session(profile_name=_profile).resource( service, region_name=_region) elif _access_key and _secret_key: self.client = boto3.client(service, region_name=_region, aws_access_key_id=_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=_secret_key) if service in self.service_resources: self.resource = boto3.resource(service, region_name=_region, aws_access_key_id=_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=_secret_key) # If auth isn't provided, set "default" profile (.aws/credentials) else: self.client = boto3.client(service, region_name=_region) if service in self.service_resources: self.resource = boto3.resource(service, region_name=_region)
[docs] @classmethod def set_auth_config(cls, region, profile=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None): ''' Set properties like service, region or auth method to be used by boto3 client Args: service (str): Service to use (i.e.: ec2, s3, vpc...) region (str): Region name (i.e.: eu-central-1) access_key (str): API Access key secret_key (str): API Secret key profile (str): Profile name set in ~/.aws/credentials file ''' AwsBase.region = region if profile and (access_key or secret_key): raise ValueError('Use Profile or Access keys, not both.') if profile: AwsBase.profile = profile AwsBase.access_key = None AwsBase.secret_key = None elif access_key and secret_key: AwsBase.profile = None AwsBase.access_key = access_key AwsBase.secret_key = secret_key
[docs] @classmethod def get_client_vars(cls): '''Get information of the current client configuration Sometimes we need to store this variables, for example using threads, because AwsBase is constantly changing Returns: dict: Array with current client configuration ({'region': 'eu-west-1', 'profile': 'default'}) ''' _region_name = str(AwsBase.region) _region = dict(AwsBase.endpoints['Regions'][_region_name], RegionName=_region_name) _profile = str(AwsBase.profile) _access_key = str(AwsBase.access_key) return {'region': _region, 'profile': _profile, 'access_key': _access_key}
[docs] @classmethod def inject_client_vars(cls, elements, client_conf=None): ''' Insert in each item of a list, the region and the current credentials. This function is called by all the methods of all the services that return a list of objects to identify in what region and account they have been found. Args: elements (list): List of dictionaries client_conf (dict): Array with the client configuration (see `get_client_vars`) Returns: list. Returns same list with the updated elements (region and authentication included) ''' # [!] used dict() to avoid to rewrite object AwsBase in next line if client_conf: _region_name = client_conf['region']['RegionName'] _region_dict = client_conf['region'] _profile = client_conf['profile'] _access_key = client_conf['access_key'] else: _region_name = str(AwsBase.region) _region_dict = dict(AwsBase.endpoints['Regions'][_region_name]) _profile = str(AwsBase.profile) _access_key = str(AwsBase.access_key) _region_dict['RegionName'] = _region_name results = [] for element in elements: if element.get('Authorization') and element.get('RegionName'): break elements_tagname = filter(lambda x: x['Key'] == 'Name', element.get('Tags', '')) element['TagName'] = next(iter(map(lambda x: x.get('Value', ''), elements_tagname)), '') element['Region'] = _region_dict if _profile: element['Authorization'] = {'Type':'Profile', 'Value': _profile} elif _access_key: element['Authorization'] = {'Type':'AccessKeys', 'Value': _access_key} else: element['Authorization'] = {'Type':'Profile', 'Value': 'default'} results.append(element) return results
[docs] def region_in_regions(self, region, regions): ''' Check if region is in a complex list of regions Args: region (str | lst) - Region name or parsed region format {'RegionName': 'eu-west-1'} regions (lst) - List of strings or dicts of regions Examples: region_in_regions('eu-west-1', [{'RegionName': 'eu-west-1}]) Returns: bool ''' return self.parse_regions(region)[0] in self.parse_regions(regions)
[docs] @classmethod def validate_filters(cls, input_filters, accepted_filters): ''' Transform filters into AWS filters format after validate them. Args: input_filters (str): Items to validate accepted_filters (list): Pre-validated list Returns: None Raises: ValueError: Filter is not in the accepted filter list ''' formatted_filters = {} for key, value in input_filters.items(): if key in accepted_filters: if isinstance(value, list): formatted_filters.update({'Name': accepted_filters[key], 'Values': value}) else: formatted_filters.update({'Name': accepted_filters[key], 'Values': [value]}) else: raise ValueError('Invalid filter key. Allowed filters: ' + str(accepted_filters.keys())) return [formatted_filters]
# ################################# # ------------ PROFILES ----------- # #################################
[docs] @classmethod def get_profiles(cls): ''' Get a list of all available profiles in ~/.aws/credentials file Returns: list. List of strings with available profiles ''' return boto3.Session().available_profiles
[docs] def change_profile(self, profile): ''' Change profile of the client This method changes the account/profile used but keeps the same region and service Args: profile (str): Name of the profile set in ~/.aws/credentials file Examples: $ aws = awspice.connect() $ aws.service.ec2.change_profile('my_boring_company') Returns: None ''' if profile != AwsBase.profile: AwsBase.profile = profile self.set_client(self.service)
[docs] def parse_profiles(self, profiles=[]): ''' Validation method which get a profile or profile list and return the expected list of them The purpose of this method is that a user can pass different types of data as a "profile" argument and obtain a valid output for any method that works with this type of data. Args: profiles (list | str): String or list of string to parse Examples: $ account_str = aws.service.ec2.parse_profiles('my_company') $ account_lst = aws.service.ec2.parse_profiles(['my_company']) $ accounts_lst = aws.service.ec2.parse_profiles(['my_company', 'other_company']) Returns: list. List of a strings with profile names ''' if isinstance(profiles, str): if profiles == 'ALL': return self.get_profiles() return [profiles] if isinstance(profiles, list) and profiles: return profiles return [self.profile]
# ################################# # ------------ REGIONS ------------ # ################################# @classmethod def _load_endpoints(cls): ''' Get AWS-Standard partition of endpoints.json file (botocore) Returns: dict: AWS-Standard partition ''' if AwsBase.endpoints == None: # Load endpoints file endpoint_resource = resource_filename('botocore', 'data/endpoints.json') with open(endpoint_resource, 'r') as f: data = endpoints = json.loads(data) # Get regions for "AWS Standard" (Not Gov, China) partition = next((x for x in endpoints['partitions'] if x['partitionName'] == 'AWS Standard'), None) # Format JSON & Save results = dict() results['Regions'] = dict() results['Services'] = partition['services'] results['Defaults'] = partition['defaults'] results['DnsSuffix'] = partition['dnsSuffix'] for k, v in partition['regions'].items(): desc = v['description'] results['Regions'][k] = {"Description": desc, "Country": desc[desc.find("(")+1:desc.find(")")]} AwsBase.endpoints = results return AwsBase.endpoints
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): ''' Get services and its regions and endpoints Returns: dict: Dict with services (key) and its regions and Endpoints. ''' partition = self._load_endpoints() dns_suffix = partition['DnsSuffix'] default_url = partition['Defaults']['hostname'] # Return as list results = dict() for k, v in partition['Services'].items(): url = v.get('Defaults', {}).get('hostname', default_url) results[k] = { 'Regions': v['endpoints'].keys(), 'Endpoints': [url.format(service=k, region=region, dnsSuffix=dns_suffix) for region in v['endpoints'].keys()], } return results
[docs] def get_regions(self): ''' Get all available regions Returns: list. List of regions with 'Country' and 'RegionName' ''' return self._load_endpoints()['Regions']
[docs] def change_region(self, region): ''' Change region of the client This method changes the region used but keeps the same service and profile Args: region (str): Region Name (ID) of AWS (i.e.: eu-central-1) Examples: aws.service.ec2.change_region('eu-west-1') Returns: None ''' AwsBase.region = region #raruno self.set_client(self.service)
[docs] def parse_regions(self, regions=[], default_all=False): ''' Validation method which get a region or list of regions and return the expected list of them The purpose of this method is that a user can pass different types of data as a "region" argument and obtain a valid output for any method that works with this type of data. Args: regions (list | str): String or list of string to parse default_all (bool): If the list of regions is empty and this argument is True, a list with all regions will be returned. This is useful when you do not know the data entry of type "region" and you want to search by default in all regions (if regions are empty means that the user does not know where an element is located). Examples: AwsBase.region = aws.service.ec2.parse_regions([]) regions = aws.service.ec2.parse_regions('eu-west-1') regions = aws.service.ec2.parse_regions(['eu-west-1']) regions = aws.service.ec2.parse_regions(['eu-west-1', 'eu-west-2']) Returns: list. List of a strings with profile names ''' results = list() # regions = 'eu-west-1' if isinstance(regions, str): results = [{'RegionName':regions}] # regions = ['eu-west-1'] or [u'eu-west-1'] or [{'RegionName': 'eu-west-1}] elif isinstance(regions, list) and regions: if isinstance(regions[0], dict) and regions[0].get('RegionName', False): return regions elif isinstance(regions[0], str) or isinstance(regions[0], unicode): [results.append({'RegionName': region}) for region in set(regions)] else: raise ValueError('Invalid regions value.') # regions = {'eu-west-1': {...}, 'eu-central-1' : {...} } <--- AwsBase.endpoints['Regions'] elif isinstance(regions, dict) and regions: if regions.get('eu-west-1', False): [results.append({'RegionName': region}) for region in regions.keys()] else: raise ValueError('Invalid regions value.') # regions = None <--- Get current or all regions else: results = self.get_regions() if default_all else [{'RegionName': AwsBase.region}] return results
[docs] def __init__(self, service): ''' This constructor configures the corresponding service according to the class that calls it. Every time the EC2Service Class is called (inherits from this class), this constructor will change the client's service to 'ec2'. And then, if ELBService service is called, this method is called again changing the service from 'ec2' to 'elb'. Args: service (str): AWS service to uso Returns: None ''' self.service = service self.set_client(service=service) self._load_endpoints()