Source code for awspice.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .servicemanager import ServiceManager
from .modules import *
from botocore.exceptions import ProfileNotFound, ClientError

[docs]class AwsManager: """ Main class that provides access to services (ec2, s3, vpc ...) and modules (finder, stats ..) This master class provides access to individual services through the "services" property, and also to other complex modules such as "finder", "stats" and "security". Attributes: aws: Object of type #ServiceManager that provides access to the other services. """ @property def service(self): return @property def finder(self): return FinderModule( @property def security(self): return SecurityModule( @property def stats(self): return StatsModule(
[docs] def test(self): """ Method to verify that the loaded configuration is correct and access with the AWS API is correct Returns: boolean. True if the test was successful, false if it failed. """ try: print('[OK] Your awspice is ready to give a helping hand :)') return True except ProfileNotFound: print('[!] You type like a lame pigeon. Profile not found in ~/.aws/credentials file') return False except ClientError: print('[!] Was it so difficult to copy and paste? Invalid credentials. Verify your access keys or permissions for that IAM user') return False
[docs] def __init__(self, region='eu-west-1', profile=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None): ''' Initialization and configuration of the client Args: region (str): Region in which to make queries and operations. profile (str): Name of the AWS profile set in ~/.aws/credentials file access_key (str): API access key of your AWS account secret_key (str): API secret key of your AWS account Returns: None ''' = ServiceManager(region, profile=profile, access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key)